Tempest Pack releases October 27

The Tempest Pack DLC will be released on October 27 for the low, low price of 400 MS points. 

"But what does the Tempest Pack have in it, Vector Unit? Is it really worth four one hundreds of my hard-earned and oh-so-precious points?" 

Why yes, sir, it is. With the Tempest Pack you get three (THREE!) brand new original race tracks, including the Bermuda Triangle, Atlantis, and Castle Von BOOOOOM! And of course you also get all the Ring Master and Gauntlet variations for these tracks. You get two all new original boats - the super-agile Whiplash and the slip-slidery Psyclone. 

But wait, there's more! The Tempest Pack also includes new skins for all the original game's boats, including the two contest-winning skins for Rad Hazard and Banshee. 

NOW how much would you pay? 

But wait! Don't answer yet! As a bonus we've also included six "X boats": Expert level variations of all the original boats, so you can compete online and on the Leaderboards with any boat you want! That's 11 Expert class boats to chose from! 

And then there's the little matter of 3 new Achievements worth an extra 50 sweet, sweet Gamerscore.  

The Hydro Thunder Hurricane Tempest Pack. October 27. 400 points. Nuff said.